Steatite (Ceramic) Filtration System SSBI-CWT-1000® is an fully automatic filtration system with HMI and PLC which treats effluents like Oil&Grease, Total Suspended Solids, Turbidity, COD, BOD, Odour and produces the treated water including sterile water which is reused by Industry in their respective process requirements. Steatite Filtration system is used in the industries like Oil&Gas, Water Treatment and Sewage Treatment Plant.
- The steatite filtration system has been designed, developed and successfully implemented commercially. This steatite filtration system is approved by the Government of India.
- Steatite membranes has high hydrophilicity which is essentials to treat hydrophobic water/effluent contents like Oil&Grease.
- Steatite filtration system works on negative pressure which leads to overall low power consumption of the filtration system.
- Steatite filtration system can treats effluents with high temperature till 70 °C.
- Steatite Filtration System recovery rate is high at the same time has low backwash frequency and the backwash duration is small.
- It can handle fulctuting effluents with high load of O&G, Turbidity and TSS at the same time producing same quality water output constantly.
- Steatite Membrane has long operational life up to 15 years without replacement. Not required to change the steatite mebrane during operation condition.
- Steatite membrane is insensitive to chemicals and can easily works between pH 1 to 13 pH.
- Individual Steatite membrane provides flexibility to change the individual membrane plate distance at time during operation and also replacement of each membrane plate is possible instead of replacing the whole steatite module.
- Steatite filtration system is plug & play type system which reduces manpower requirement for operation of the plant.
- Steatite filtration system has nonmatalic structure, capable to handle high flux operation and also provides lifting arrangement for lifting steatite modules out of the filtration tank.